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Our Little Kitchen

Jillian Tamaki
pubblicato da Abrams

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2021 Eisner Award Winner, Best Publication for Early Readers

A lively celebration of food and community from Caldecott Honoree Jillian Tamaki

Tie on your apron! Roll up your sleeves!
Pans are out, oven is hot, the kitchen's all ready!
Where do we start?

In this lively, rousing picture book from Caldecott Honoree Jillian Tamaki, a crew of resourceful neighbors comes together to prepare a meal for their community. With a garden full of produce, a joyfully chaotic kitchen, and a friendly meal shared at the table, Our Little Kitchen is a celebration of full bellies and looking out for one another. Bonus materials include recipes and an author's note about the volunteering experience that inspired the book.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa

Editore Abrams

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/09/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781683359784

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Our Little Kitchen

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