If you take a much closer look at the problem of binge eating, you'd come to realize that it's really much more than that. Binge eating is a problem that touches upon a number of different elements including physical components, mental components, as well as emotional components.
According to Wikipedia the signs of a binge eater are :
* Does not exercise control over consumption of food.
* Feels loss of control over eating during binge.
* Eats an unusually large amount of food at one time, far more than an average person would eat.
* Eats much more quickly during binge episodes than during normal eating episodes.
* Eats until physically uncomfortable and nauseated due to the amount of food consumed.
* Eats when depressed or bored.
* Eats large amounts of food even when not really hungry.
* Often eats alone during periods of normal eating, owing to feelings of embarrassment about food.
* Feels disgusted, depressed, or guilty after binge eating.
* Experiences rapid weight gain/sudden onset of obesity.
* Suffers from severe depression.
* Is easily irritated.
Binge eating can be very rooted into behavior patterns and can have very little to do with food at all. For some people, food is just the mechanism they use to cope. Much like any addiction, whether it's drugs or alcohol, food provides temporarily relief from one's problems. It's a way to forget about all the other issues going on in life and instead, find a way to escape ones reality for a short period of time.
Many people don't understand the full ramifications of binge eating. They just see it as an issue with maintaining a proper body weight, but really, it's far more than that.
Constant binge eating places great strain on the digestive system and the rapid rates of fat gain that can come along with it will put you at risk for heart disease, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure levels, as well as diabetes.
If you're someone who tends to starve themselves during the day in an effort to prevent weight gain because you're binging so much, then you also run a number of further health problems because it's very likely that you'll begin to experience nutritional deficiencies due to the fact that you're replacing healthy foods that you should be eating in your diet with much less healthy foods that you binge on.
This can also cause a sluggish metabolism, lean muscle mass loss, and potentially even threaten the health of your bones as well due to lack of calcium and vitamin D.
Binge eating is going to pose a lot more harm than just causing you to risk weight gain. It's a must that you come to terms with this so that you can realize just how serious this situation is.
In this book we're going to walk you step-by-step through 21 proven tools to help you overcome binge eating. We're going to address :
* The Physical Aspects
* The Mental Aspects
* The Emotional Aspects
Binge eating is not something that you should ever feel ashamed about. Many people suffer from this condition in our society today but it's only those who are able to openly admit that they have some issues and need help with them that are going to move past it and get better. Let our Health Research Staff show you how.