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Papà, Del Piero and Other Superheroes

Pierdomenico Baccalario - Sandor Anthony Vezer
pubblicato da Giovan8

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For Trezegol, Furia Ceca, Freccia Nera, King Kong and all the other superheroes from La Grande Juve, it's time to lace up their boots and return to the . . . fairy tales? The stakes are high: unlike the glorious '80s, '90s and 2010s, the prize isn't a Scudetto, a Champions League or a UEFA Cup, but the everlasting support of thirteen-year-old Anja and five-year-old Cora, and the eternal gratitude of papà Pierdomenico.

These funny, heartwarming and nostalgia-packed fairy tales expose Anja and Cora to Superman's stunning saves, Le Roi's love affair with the ball and Pinturicchio's artistryjust to name a few. They are stories that a father has to tell his children if he wants them to grow to be healthy, strong and, above all, juventini.

A funny, heartwarming and nostalgia-packed story about a father trying to teach his two daughters to be Juventus fans while they drive, via France, from Reading, England to Acqui Terme, Italy.

The story is for Juve fans, calcio fans and for everyone who loves the game, including those who support other teams. But since it is not just about calcio, people can also relate to it as a parent, a child, and a person.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Giovan8

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781777599966

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Papà, Del Piero and Other Superheroes

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