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Paragon Walk (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 3)

Anne Perry
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In the posh London street of Paragon Walk, an unspeakable crime is committed...

In New York Times bestseller Anne Perry's third mystery featuring Thomas and Charlotte Pitt, something deadly lurks in the stifling shadows of Victorian London. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Ann Granger.

'When it comes to the Victorian mystery, Anne Perry has proved that nobody does it better' - San Diego Union-Tribune

When young Fanny Nash dies in the arms of her sister-in-law, Jessamyn, Inspector Pitt is assigned to investigate her rape and murder. Every man of Paragon Walk is under suspicion, even Pitt's brother-in-law, Lord George Ashworth, who was the last to have seen her. Could the charming, enigmatic Frenchman be a killer? Fanny's cruel brother? Or wealthy Dilbridge, who hosts wild, decadent parties?

As Pitt digs deeper, Paragon Walk's aristocratic haughtiness gives way to fear, its calm to hatred. Keeping her sister Emily company in this difficult time, inquisitive Charlotte finds herself in the midst of the deadly mystery. In the drawing rooms of her sister's neighbours, she uncovers unsavoury intrigues and bitter rivalries that may prove fatal...

What readers are saying about Paragon Walk:

'Anne Perry really gets into the era with these novels, includes something for everyone, murder, romance and history'

'A cracking read'

'One of Anne Perry's best'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472227546

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Paragon Walk (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 3)

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