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Paris City Break E-Special Magazine

Don Muschter
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Is Paris the most enchanting city in the world? Something I feel when I am there, because I have a deep passion for this city. Paris is where I feel a sense of belonging. It nourishes the soul. Feeds one's creativity. It is where haughty staff serve up that most quintessential Parisian staple the humble croissant that tastes like nowhere else on earth, accompanied by the obligatory Parisian coffee. Paris is poetic, its chaos, almost seducing. The most beautiful people walk the streets nonchalantly. Fashion is "created" here. Being a French speaker endears me to Parisians. In a world of dumbing down, philosophers, artists and intellectuals have chosen Paris for their inspiration. This e-magazine is meant to inspire you to go see for yourself. Your Editor-in-Chief, Don Muschter.

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Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/08/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230005723126

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Paris City Break E-Special Magazine

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