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Parse Galaxy, Books 0-2

Kate Sheeran Swed
pubblicato da Spells & Spaceships Press

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A notorious outlaw enlists his niece's assistance in a major heist, and she agrees to help him out -- just this once. But when it turns out she's meant to steal data from the Galactic Fleet, she's not sure she'll be allowed to walk away...


Secretly, Sloane Tarnish has always admired her outlaw of an uncle and his tales of not-so-legal adventures across the galaxybut she never thought she'd be asked to help with one of his heists.

When Uncle Vin shows up on her med school campus with a plan to steal a chip full of Fleet intelligenceand the baffling idea to have her play a key role in the schemeSloane's got her doubts. Uncle Vin doesn't seem to realize that her top skills involve the kind of shots you drink, not the ones you fire.

But Vin's convinced the Fleet's got plans to install empirical rule across the free galaxy, and that this data could stop them before they can begin. When a bunch of rogue delivery drones start taking shots at herand not the liquid kindshe has to figure he's onto something.

To prove it, all she needs to do is steal the data key from the middle of a Fleet ball and right out from under the Commander's nose.

Too bad she's got absolutely no idea what she's doing

This Series Set includes:

Outlaw Rising: Parse Galaxy Book 0

Chaos Zone: Parse Galaxy Book 1

Bounty War: Parse Galaxy Book 2

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy » Fantascienza , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Spells & Spaceships Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 09/02/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230007396663

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Parse Galaxy, Books 0-2

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