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People Management In A Week

Dr Norma Barry
pubblicato da John Murray Press

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Managing people just got easier
The book gives you a sound understanding of the concept of people management; the role of people managers; people motivational theories; the various people management styles and their appropriateness; the tools available to people managers to help them do their jobs effectively; techniques for managing performance; and an insight into how people managers candevelop their teams.

Management, along with leadership, is one of the most studied topics in organizations. There is a wealth of literature covering the subject and there are many views on what makes a good manager and what their role is, together with how effective teams are managed and developed. Many hold the view that management is best learned through doing. Nevertheless, this book provides practising, junior and aspiring managers with a fundamental understanding of the principles and challenges of managing people, together with guidance on how to be an effective people manager. It should help you underpin your practice with sound, simply presentedsummaries of various theories and techniques.

Whether you choose to read it in a week or in a single sitting, this is your fastest route to success:

- Sunday: Understand how people management relates to leadership, and the features and tools of a people management role.
- Monday: Explore the various managerial levels and roles and the responsibilities and qualities of people managers.
- Tuesday: Gain an overview of people management styles and their advantages and disadvantages in different situations.
- Wednesday: Examine the external and internal organisational contexts of people managerial jobs.
- Thursday: Use your power and influence effectively to motivate teams, tackle poor performance and provide positive feedback and encouragement.
- Friday: Develop your coaching and mentoring ability and learn to identify and utilise your team's specific skills.
- Saturday: Maintain successful performance through effective delegation, planning and strategy, and good communication.

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People Management In A Week

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