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Poe-Land: The Hallowed Haunts of Edgar Allan Poe

J. W. Ocker
pubblicato da Countryman Press

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Winner of the 2015 Edgar Award for Best Critical/Biographical!

Follow the footsteps of the father of American horror fiction.

Edgar Allan Poe was an oddity: his life, literature, and legacy are all, well, odd. In Poe-Land, J. W. Ocker explores the physical aspects of Poe's legacy across the East Coast and beyond, touring Poe's homes, examining artifacts from his lifelocks of his hair, pieces of his coffin, original manuscripts, his boyhood bedand visiting the many memorials dedicated to him.

Along the way, Ocker meets people from a range of backgrounds and professionsactors, museum managers, collectors, historianswho have dedicated some part of their lives to Poe and his legacy. Poe-Land is a unique travelogue of the afterlife of the poet who invented detective fiction, advanced the emerging genre of science fiction, and elevated the horror genre with a mastery over the macabre that is arguably still unrivaled today.

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Editore Countryman Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/10/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781581576764

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Poe-Land: The Hallowed Haunts of Edgar Allan Poe

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