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Poetic Poems and Prose

Brittany Benko
pubblicato da Brittany Benko

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There is something for everyone in Poetic Poems and Prose.

Poems have the power to touch our souls in an intense, raw way as we read and experience words that we deeply resonate with. Whenever you want to feel inspired, happy, at peace, or to experience life through someone else's eyes, you can simply read a poem and make this happen.
Now imagine if you had a collection of versatile poems touching on a little bit of everything, which you can reach out to whenever you need to? This is precisely what Poetic Poems and Prose offers!

This poem collections book:
Features a collection of poems and prose on love, anxiety, living with autism, life in law enforcement, mermaids, sunsets, depression and everything in between
Employs different styles, from rhyme and limericks to free verse and acrostics, giving you different poetic experiences
Each poem carries with it a unique message that takes you through a personalized journey.

So, buckle up for a poetic adventure!

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Poesia

Editore Brittany Benko

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 30/06/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798201243050

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Poetic Poems and Prose

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