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Poetic Poetry: A Short Collection of Poems

Brittany Benko
pubblicato da Brittany Benko

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Poetic Poetry is a poetry collection that speaks to the soul about everyday life. In this collection, the reader will find rhyming and contemporary pieces. Painting a picture with words, readers will experience beaches in the Carolina's, the Blue Ridge Mountains, seasons, love, faith, flowers, the pandemic, the passion of motherhood, experiences with an autistic child, ad much more. Life is a journey with many ups and downs, but that doesn't mean the path you walk on isn't beautiful. Catching the poetic side of life helps people to think, to become empathetic, have hope, explore talents and passions, and understand the grey areas in the world we live in.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Poesia

Editore Brittany Benko

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 12/06/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781005631529

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Poetic Poetry: A Short Collection of Poems

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