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Positively Geared

Lloyd Edge
pubblicato da Wiley

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The bestselling property investing guide now fully revised and updated with the latest numbers and locations

What if you could make money when you buy a property not just when you sell one? Positively Geared offers a powerful, sustainable approach for clever property investment that will help you grow your equity and cash flow. This bestselling guide to wealth building now fully updated for the current property market will equip you with knowledge, skills and insider strategies for building a diverse property portfolio. You'll discover how smarter investing can help you create passive income and achieve financial freedom sooner.

Working as a teacher, author Lloyd Edge began his journey toward financial independence with only an initial $30k investment. By the age of 40, Lloyd was able to retire from his nine-to-five job. Now a leading buyer's agent and property investment strategist, Lloyd shares his personal story and proven strategies in Positively Geared. His goal? To inspire and empower everyday Aussies at any age to dream big and proactively craft the lifestyle they really want.

With Positively Geared, you'll:

  • discover tried-and-tested strategies for today's booming property market, including duplex development
  • understand the importance of growth, instant equity and cash flow
  • learn from real-life case studies and interactive exercises that show you how to analyse different properties and locations for successful investing
  • craft and employ a strategy designed for building a profitable portfolio
  • create a personal plan to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing.

Whether you're a new or experienced property investor, you can take advantage of this book's unique approach to building sustainable wealth. Positively Geared will show you how to refocus your objectives, take control of your finances and start building your dreams.

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Positively Geared

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