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Pregnancy Diet & Health: Facts You Should Know About Food Safety To Protect Your Unborn Child

Tommi Pryor
pubblicato da Millwood

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Did you know that you can pass serious food-borne illnesses on to your unborn child without even knowing it? You don't even need to feel sick or have any symptoms!

Did you know food-borne illness in the U.S. accounts for:

76 million gastrointestinal illnesses
325,000 hospitalizations
5,000 deaths

and expectant mothers and their unborn babies are especially vulnerable?

Remember the old adage, "You are now eating for two!" You need to know what foods and food practices might be unsafe for your baby or might present serious health risks for you.

Food-borne illnesses can be very serious but they can also be avoided with a little knowledge and good food practices. This book is designed to provide you with accurate, easy-to-understand information about foods to avoid and safe food handling practices.

And its all designed to give your precious little one the best start in life!

*** This book makes a great gift for all the moms-to-be in your life! ***

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Generi Politica e Società » Donne » Questioni femminili

Editore Millwood

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 22/04/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781937918248

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Pregnancy Diet & Health: Facts You Should Know About Food Safety To Protect Your Unborn Child

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