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How do you find the perfect match for the boss from hell?

Katherine Murphy needs to know. Her obsessive, demanding supervisor has given her an assignment that goes way beyond the call of duty: find her a man. But not just any manhe must have the perfect combination of good looks, job security, and solid genes to make him daddy-worthy. So, with a lofty promotion being dangled in front of her, Katherine dives back into the dating pool to find another woman's Mr. Right. . .

There is, however, a problem with Katherine's approach: for some reason, going up to strange guys and asking if they're ready for fatherhood is getting her nowhere. Which is why she recruits her best friend Luc to help with the man hunt. As he drags her out to gallery openings and bars, Katherine develops a new appreciation for Luc. But when Katherine strikes out in her search and Luc steps up to the plate as her boss's next date, she realizes he's perfect. Maybe too perfect to waste on someone else. . .

"A wacky romance that keeps readers laughing while touching them at the same time." --RT Book Reviews

"Want to read a story that will make you laugh out loud and tug at your heartstrings? Read Project Daddy." --Romance Reviews Today

100,000 Words

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Kensington

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/06/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781420136289

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Project Daddy

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