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Prolonged antibiotic therapy in PCR confirmed persistent Lyme disease

med. Bernt-Dieter Huismans - med. Stephan Heyl - med.Wolfgang Klemann
pubblicato da GRIN Verlag

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Scientific Study from the year 2011 in the subject Medicine - Internal Medicine, , language: English, abstract: We examined a sample of 90 individuals that had previously received a course of appropriate antibiotics for Lyme disease without experiencing full resolution of their symptoms and had evidence of persistent infection documented by PCR analysis. Mean duration of symptoms was 9.5 years (range 1 - 40 years). The treatment was adapted to the individual case according to clinical response. Long term antibiotic therapy was initiated and patients were treated continuously for at least 6 months, in some cases several years of intermittent therapy was administered. About 38,8% of the patients experienced full remission of symptoms while about 56,7% reported a significant improvement, 5,6% of patients were deemed refractory to therapy. Therapeutic modalities are discussed in detail.

1958 Studium Naturwissenschaft, Abschluss in Medizin, Promotion Universitat zu Koln (Chirurgie). Weiterbildung in Allgemeinmedizin (Arztpraxen in Koln und in Mayen (Eifel)). Weiterbildung in Angiologie (Aggertalklinik Engelskirchen), Kardiologie (Universitat Dusseldorf), Innerer Medizin (Staedtisches Krankenhaus Koln-Holweide). 1975 Praxisgrundung in Crailsheim (Deutschland Nord - Wurttemberg), niedergeassen bis 2006 als Internist und allgemeinmedizinisch arbeitender Hausarzt in eigener Praxis, Fliegerarztliche Untersuchungsstelle und Taucheruntersuchungsstelle. 1985 Weiterbildung in psycho - somatischer Medizin. 1995 Weiterbildung in Umweltmedizin. 2003 Weiterbildung in Nanozellbiologie und Nanostruktur - Medizin. 2004 bis 2006 internistische Gemeinschaftspraxis mit Herrn Dr. med. Armin 'Renk (Gastroenterologie, Angiologie, Kardiologie, Hygiene, Infektiologie und Umweltmedizin). Seit 2007 Privatpraxis. Seit 2008 freier Mitarbeiter, seit 2012 arztliche Vertretung im BCA in Augsburg, Deutschland. Bucher (Downloads).

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Medicina

Editore Grin Verlag

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/02/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783640828210

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Prolonged antibiotic therapy in PCR confirmed persistent Lyme disease

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