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Protector for Hire - Tawna Fenske
Protector for Hire - Tawna Fenske

Audiolibro Protector for Hire

Tawna Fenske
pubblicato da Brilliance Audio

Prezzo online:

Haunted by his time in Iraq, former soldier Schwartz Patton goes off the grid, retreating deep into Montana's untamed wilderness. Now, ten years into his self-imposed solitude, his brother tracks him down and asks for a favor. A woman is in danger, and she needs help...and Schwartz is the only one who can protect her.

Designer-loving city girls like Janelle Keebler don't belong in the wilderness. Unless, of course, they're witnesses to a murder by their psycho drug-trafficking ex-husbands. Still, Janelle can't help the immediate physical response she has to her sexy-as-sin protector that leaves her wanting more than she could have ever imagined. Even if he does make terrible coffee....

Every word, every touch, every kiss ignites a need Schwartz thought he'd lost forever. He can't stop the desperate attraction simmering between him and Janelle, even if he wanted to. Even if it means it could get them both killed.

Each book in the Front and Center series is a standalone, full-length story that can be enjoyed out of order.

Series Order:
Book #1 Marine for Hire
Book #2 Fiancée for Hire
Book #3 Best Man for Hire
Book #4 Protector for Hire

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa , Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore Brilliance Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 06:30.21

Pubblicato 18/07/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781536695922

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Protector for Hire

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