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"Do you know how scary it is to want something so bad you're willing to change your whole life for it?"

Emily Cooper is ready to risk everything to be with the man who has consumed her thoughts and dreams since the fateful day they met. Unraveling fast, she can only cling to the hope that Gavin Blake still wants her.

Nursing his wounded heart, Gavin has cut himself off from society and retreated into a self-destructive, mind-numbing world. Emily isn't used to being the strong one, but she'll have to find the daring and confidence within to fight for their love and bring Gavin back from the edgeeven if it means losing herself to their all-consuming, pulse-pounding passion. A New York Times bestseller, Pulse is the unforgettable conclusion to the story of Emily and Gavin that began with Collide.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Brilliance Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 13:36.23

Pubblicato 27/08/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781480536548

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