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Queen's Hope

E. K. Johnston
pubblicato da Disney Lucasfilm Press

Prezzo online:
-20 %

A peace-loving senator faces a time of war in another thrilling Padmé Amidala adventure from the author of the New York Times best-sellers Queen's Peril and Queen's Shadow! Padmé is adjusting to being a wartime senator during the Clone Wars. Her secret husband, Anakin Skwyalker, is off fighting the war, and excels at being a wartime Jedi. In contrast, when Padmé gets the opportunity to see the casualties on the war-torn front lines, she is horrified. The stakes have never been higher for the galaxy, or for the newly-married couple. Meanwhile, with Padmé on a secret mission, her handmaiden Sabé steps into the role of Senator Amidala, something no handmaiden has done for an extended period of time. While in the Senate, Sabé is equally horrified by the machinations that happen there. She comes face to face with a gut-wrenching decision as she realizes that she cannot fight a war this way, not even for Padmé. And Chancellor Palpatine hovers over it all, manipulating the players to his own ends

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Fantascienza » Fantascienza » Narrativa

Editore Disney Lucasfilm Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/04/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781368078092

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