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Questions from the City, Answers from the Forest

Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu
pubblicato da Quest Books

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"Sincere inquiry always sparks our movement towards truth. Deep questions signal the manifestation of the very energy through which we outgrow ourselves." -- from the Introduction.

Born in Chicago, a law school graduate and real estate professional, Ajahn Sumano abandoned his comfortable American lifestyle for the begging bowl and simple cave home of an ordained Buddhist monk in the tradition of the Thai forest meditation masters. In 1994-95, he conducted a series of question and answer evenings at a guest house in Thailand's Kowyai National Park with English-speaking tourists eager to meet a Western Buddhist monk. The heartfelt questions of these "city" people and the clear and penetrating answers Sumano gave from his "forest" perspective form the basis of this remarkable book. Written on a battered, battery-powered laptop in his meditation cave, Sumano's enchanting personal story and his refreshingly down-to-earth blend of American sensibility and Eastern practice will fascinate newcomers to Buddhist ideas as well as experienced practitioners.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Altre religioni e fedi » Fedi alternative (Scientology, studi sull'occulto, satanismo¿)

Editore Quest Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/09/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780835630689

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Questions from the City, Answers from the Forest

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