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She's antiques royalty, he's relentlessly modern

Master carpenter NIALL QUINN's passion is creating bespoke furniture. Everything else comes second until his ex-fiancé ditches him when he gifts another creation to a friend, and he discovers his brother has been carrying his dead father debts. Niall's self-respect demands he pay his share. He's landed a prestigious exhibition of his work with a top gallery, possible in part because of the support of an antiques dealer who's been mentor, patron, and generous landlord. Niall's hoping the exhibition will establish his reputation and boost his bank balance.

LUCY McTAVISH's grandfather, antiques supremo Cameron (Cam) McTavish raised her. His death leaves her totally alone. Lucy drained their personal accounts to provide twenty-four-seven in-home palliative care for Cam. The thought of poverty paralyses her, a crippling reminder of life before Cam found her. Laden with debt, she plans to sell Cam's workshop to ensure his antiques emporium survives.

When the will is read, Niall Quinn holds the keys to Cam's workshop. Lucy's convinced he conned her grandpa in his last days and demands he restore antiques for her. Niall is blindsided by the bequest, but worries about yet another debt and agrees to the work.

Lucy and Niall circle each other. In sharing stories and drawing closer, Lucy figures out debt is her childhood bogeyman resurrected by Cam's death. Niall has real debts and, unaware of his exhibition, she looks for clients who'll pay him for the work she'd been demanding for free.

With the exhibition drawing closer, it's crunch time. Will Niall choose his exhibition or Lucy? Does Lucy want a man who won't share his dreams with her?

Award winning author Jennifer Raines' stories combine a love of romance with contemporary conflicts. Her writing is both relevant and heart-warming. Each story is a journey across the world. Jennifer likes to think her readers get occasional hints of the deep passion of a Nora Roberts or the unshakeable loyalty of a Grace Burrowes where love conquers loneliness, distrust and fear.

--"A Jennifer Raines romance will make you sigh in the best possible way!"-- Best Selling Author, Grace Burrowes

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Inkspell Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781958136935

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Quinn, by design

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