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Ragnarok: I Bring the Fire Part VI

C. Gockel
pubblicato da C. Gockel

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Loki vowed Asgard would burn.

Bohdi Patel, latest incarnation of Chaos, wants nothing to do with Loki's psychotic oath. Stranded on the icy world of Jotunheim with Amy Lewis, his friend Steve Rogers, and an unlikely band of civilians, magical beings, and elite military, Bohdi just wants to keep himself and his friends alive but when you're Chaos incarnate, even the simplest goals are complicated. If Jotunheim doesn't kill them, Odin will, and if Odin doesn't, the secrets they harbor might.

In the final installment of I Bring the Fire, Bohdi, Amy, Steve, and their companions learn that Chaos cannot be contained, some secrets cannot be kept, and some vows cannot be broken.

The I Bring the Fire Series:

I Bring the Fire Part I: Wolves
Monsters: I Bring the Fire Part II
Chaos: I Bring the Fire Part III
In the Balance: I Bring the Fire Part 3.5
Fates: I Bring the Fire Part IV
The Slip: a Short Story (mostly) from
Sleipnir's Point of Smell
Warriors: I Bring the Fire Part V
Ragnarok: I Bring the Fire Part VI

The Fire Bringers: a Short Story (Coming Soon!)

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fiabe, miti e leggende » Fantasy » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore C. Gockel

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 16/05/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781507065907

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Ragnarok: I Bring the Fire Part VI

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