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Repelling the Shark

DelSheree Gladden
pubblicato da DelSheree Gladden

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Simple and easy falls apart when secrets revealed require making promises and opening up to the possibilities of hurt and hope.

Leo Bailey has so far escaped the curse of the date shark business. He fills in when needed, but has held onto his casual relationships and family emergency-free existence. hover

Marriage and family are a vague idea for the future, but he's not ready to give up the freedom of being single and answering only to himself.

When Piper Moretti witnesses the demise of yet another of Leo's friends-with-benefits relationship, she doesn't think much of it. She has a long list of more pressing responsibilities and headaches to occupy her mind.

Friends, and the strings that go with them, are at the bottom of her priority list.

When a date shark client who tops the list of bizarre behavior Leo has seen, his half-joking request for rescue drags Piper into the chaos and into Leo's life.

Neither one wants more than a simple, no-stress friendship. Secrets and surprises force them to admit neither one is nearly as in control of their futures as they think they are.

Helping each other means getting involved, making promises, and opening themselves up to the hurt and hope they're both terrified to face.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Delsheree Gladden

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 01/08/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781005788179

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Repelling the Shark

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