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Resurrection Row (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 4)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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The doctors insist that Lord Augustus' death was natural. But as far as the police are concerned, there's certainly nothing natural about what happens next...

In the fourth Victorian mystery featuring Inspector Thomas Pitt, the detective is faced with a frightening case of bodies that won't stay buried. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Harriet Smart.

'Perry has a wonderful feel for period and remains utterly convincing' - Guardian

Lord Fitzroy-Hammond of Resurrection Row has been dead and buried three weeks when he turns up sitting atop a hansom cab. Grave robbing, though a crime, isn't Inspector Thomas Pitt's usual work. But when the macabre joke is repeated, and the man's corpse is found sitting in the family pew following his second burial, and other disinterred bodies appear, Pitt begins to wonder if a message is being sent.

A new mother, Charlotte Pitt only takes a cursory interest in the case until she hears Thomas mention her late sister's husband as a possible suspect. As Pitt follows leads into the slums and rookeries, she too is drawn into the politics and horrors of greed and exploitation. For Pitt and Charlotte, what begins as a bizarre mystery becomes a deadly pursuit through the London underworld of pornographic photographers, brothels, and sweatshops.

What readers are saying about Resurrection Row:

'A wonderfully gruesome novel from Anne Perry... Her research into the murky world of [grave digging] cannot be faulted'

'This one has a particularly ingenious plot and I was delighted to see that the interesting and mildly eccentric Aunt Vespasia was back again'

'Another thrilling read from Anne Perry'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472227553

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Resurrection Row (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 4)

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