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Revelation: Book Three of The Devolution Trilogy

John Casey
pubblicato da PHiR Publishing

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BEST SPY THRILLER OF THE YEAR (Finalist, Best Thrillers Awards)

Michael Dolan is now leading the CIA black operations team formerly known as SCALPEL, his fortunes buoyed by unparalleled success in thwarting numerous terrorist attacks. After uncovering a sinister network of organizations planning a cyber attack with global financial and geopolitical implications, he must risk putting the world at war if he is to save it.

REVELATION is Book Three of The Devolution Trilogy.

"Revelation is a high-concept black ops thriller masterfully interwoven with international finance, crypto tech, and theological subplotsan explosive and chilling postmodern spy novel that highlights the emergence of cyber as a new front in both traditional and asymmetric warfare."
WILL HURD, Former TX Congressman, CIA Clandestine Officer, and Cybersecurity Executive

"A superbly written, spellbinding spy thriller that deftly conjoins the threat of global cyberterrorism with a nuanced, yet apocalyptic storyline. Revelation grips and does not let go."
DAN SCHLUETER, DMin, Spiritual Formation; MA, Theological Studies; Author of In The Crucible

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Thriller » Spionaggio » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio

Editore Phir Publishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 01/12/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781737062707

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Revelation: Book Three of The Devolution Trilogy

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