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Revenge in a Cold River (William Monk Mystery, Book 22) - Anne Perry
Revenge in a Cold River (William Monk Mystery, Book 22) - Anne Perry

Audiolibro Revenge in a Cold River (William Monk Mystery, Book 22)

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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The queen of the Victorian mystery, New York Times bestseller Anne Perry returns with the 22nd novel in the William Monk series REVENGE IN A COLD RIVER. An adversary Monk cannot remember threatens everything he holds dear - will he survive what is to come?

London, 1869: The body of a middle-aged man is found tangled in a mass of rope and wooden wreckage near the dockside of the River Thames.

Monk of the River Police is called when initial investigations reveal the man was shot in the back. When he learns that the man was a master forger who had just escaped prison, Monk's interest is immediately piqued. But as his investigations lead him ever deeper into the murky world of smuggling and forgery, Monk is forced to confront his own forgotten past.

The unsolicited interference of an old foe takes precedence as it becomes clear to Monk that a bitter enemy is back for revenge and has him in his sights. With his life and career in imminent danger, can Monk navigate his way to the truth before it is too late?

Commander William Monk - A man with no past has only his conscience and instinct to guide him.

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Editore Headline

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 11:12.34

Pubblicato 21/04/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472230584

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Revenge in a Cold River (William Monk Mystery, Book 22)

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