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Royal Caleva: Gabriel - Nancy Herkness
Royal Caleva: Gabriel - Nancy Herkness

Audiolibro Royal Caleva: Gabriel

Nancy Herkness
pubblicato da Recorded Books, Inc.

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Honor, passion, danger. A modern-day duke and an American computer hacker must confront all three.

Honor. Gabriel, Duke of Bencalor, allows himself to be kidnapped to save his cousin, the Prince of Caleva. He pays a pricea mutilation that damages his brilliant career as a Flamenco guitaristyet he would not hesitate to do it again.

Passion. Quinn Pierson is hired to track down Gabriel's abductors. As she follows the trail, she and the sexy duke spend more and more time together until a spark ignites between them. Quinn fights her feelings every inch of the way because she knows there can be no future between a royal duke and an American commoner with an ugly past.

Danger. The criminal mastermind who carried out Gabriel's abduction travels to Caleva to threaten Quinn. Yet even he is less dangerous than the mysterious figure who set the kidnapping in motion.

Opposites attract in Caleva, where the royals are hot and the criminals are twisted.

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Editore Recorded Books, Inc.

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 16:04.16

Pubblicato 08/08/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798889568100

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Royal Caleva: Gabriel

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