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Rustic European Breads from Your Bread Machine

Linda West Eckhardt - Diana Collingwood Butts
pubblicato da Echo Point Books

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A guide to making nearly 100 artisan breads in your machineplus sandwich recipes!from the award-winning authors of Bread in Half the Time.

Nothing smells quite as wonderful as bread baking in the oven. Nothing tastes quite as good as a thick slice of fresh, warm homemade bread. And nothing can be quite as intimidating or time-consuming as mixing, kneading, raising, and baking that breaduntil now!

With a bread machine to do all the hard work, and experts Linda West Eckhardt and Diana Collingwood Butts as guides, anyone can turn out a perfect sourdough, raisin pumpernickel, focaccia, or any other variety of classic European breads featured in this book. The trick is to use the machine for what it does bestmixing and kneading the dough that produces the loaves we all love so much. After letting the dough rise in the machine, you shape it by hand and bake it to perfection in the oven.

With Rustic European Breads from Your Bread Machine in hand, every home cook can become a master baker. Eckhardt and Butts provide not only an encyclopedic knowledge of their subject and foolproof step-by-step recipes, but also limitless, contagious enthusiasm. Their clear and thorough explanations will turn every home kitchen into an aromatic, appetite-satisfying European bakery.

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Editore Echo Point Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 31/01/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781648371240

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Rustic European Breads from Your Bread Machine

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