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Rutland Place (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 5)

Anne Perry
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Will the dangerous persistence of Charlotte and the quiet patience of Inspector Thomas Pitt make it possible to solve this most macabre and chilling mystery?

Anne Perry's Rutland Place is the fifth novel featuring Thomas and Charlotte Pitt, which sees the duo uncovering the darkest and most desperate secrets hidden in fashionable Rutland Place. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Sarah Perry.

'When Anne Perry puts Thomas and Charlotte Pitt on the case, we are in exemplary Victorian company' - New York Times

Charlotte Pitt's mother has lost a locket holding a comprising picture. Arriving at her mother's home at Rutland Place to help her search, Charlotte discovers that other residents of the exclusive neighbourhood have suffered similar unexplained small thefts. Then Mina Spencer-Brown, a woman known for prying, dies from poisoning. It seems likely that Mina's snooping had led to her murder, but what secrets had she stumbled upon? And whose?

As Thomas Pitt patiently struggles to break down the protective silence of London's high society, Charlotte works behind its closed doors to help unravel a mystery revealing sordid secrets and the chilling, dark corners of human behaviour.

What readers are saying about Rutland Place:

'Once started, impossible to put the book down'

'Brilliant as usual'

'Another excellent murder mystery - five stars'

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/03/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472227560

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Rutland Place (Thomas Pitt Mystery, Book 5)

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