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Salt Magic

Hope Larson
pubblicato da Holiday House

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The epic, Eisner Award-winning graphic novel about a jealous witch, a withering curse, and one girl's journey to save her family-- no matter the cost.

Recipient of the Eisner Award for Best Publication for Kids ages 912

When Vonceil's older brother, Elber, comes home to their family's Oklahoma farm after serving on the front lines of World War I, things aren't what she expects. His experiences have changed him into a serious and responsible man who doesn't have time for Vonceil anymore. He even marries the girl he had left behind.

Then a mysterious and captivating woman shows up at the farm and confronts Elber for leaving her in France. When he refuses to leave his wife, she puts a curse on the family well, turning the entire town's water supply into saltwater. Who is this lady dressed all in white, what has she done to the farm, and what does Vonceil's old uncle Dell know about her?

To find out, Vonceil will have to strike out on her own and delve deep into the world of witchcraft, confronting dangerous relatives, shapeshifting animals, a capricious Sugar Witch, and the Lady in White herself--the foreboding Salt Witch. The journey will change Vonceil, but along the way she'll learn a lot about love and what it means to grow up.

Hope Larson is the author and illustrator of the Eisner Award nominated All Summer Long and the illustrator of the Eisner Award winning A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel. Salt Magic is an utterly unique graphic fairy tale complete with striking illustrations by Rebecca Mock.

Named to the Little Maverick Graphic Novel Reading List
An ALSC Notable Children's Book
An ALA Graphic Novel's & Comics Round Table Top Ten Best Graphic Novels for Children Selection
A Mighty Girl Best Book of the Year
A Booklist Editors' Choice

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Generi Non definito

Editore Holiday House

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/10/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780823450275

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Salt Magic

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