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If you are looking for a cookbook full of easy, delicious scallop recipes, then look no further! The Scallop Cookbook is your go-to resource for anything related to cooking with scallops. This comprehensive cookbook features detailed instructions paired with beautiful color photographs so you can make every dish perfectly. You'll find a variety of recipes that range from classic dishes to more adventurous fare that will inspire both novice and experienced home cooks.

Stop drooling over scallop recipes and bring them to your kitchen with the Scallop Cookbook! Get creative in the kitchen and master a variety of delicious scallop recipes, many ready in minutes! Don't wait any longer--grab your copy now and be cooking wonderful scallop dishes tonight!

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Generi Gastronomia » Ricette » Pesce e frutti di mare » Cucina rapida

Editore Brad Hoskinson

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 07/04/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230006311308

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Scallop Cookbook

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