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Schooling and Education in Lebanon

Nina Maadad - Grant Rodwell
pubblicato da Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften

Prezzo online:
-10 %

This book provides insights into the education and schooling of Syrian and Palestinian Syrian children inside and outside Lebanese refugee camps. It describes what is happening to these children and young refugees in terms of their schooling. Investigating the perspectives of children, their parents, teachers, community leaders, and state politicians and bureaucrats on the schooling provisions and educational opportunities for refugee children in Lebanon, this book reveals the condition of social disadvantage that Syrian and Syrian Palestinian refugee children and their families are experiencing in Lebanon. Maadad and Rodwell propose the idea of the pedagogy of the displaced that recognises socio-economic disadvantage and refocuses the nature of the learner and their learning and the philosophy of teaching. A collaborative action of society the refugee families, the schools, the communities, the host state, the international aid agencies and the rest of the world in addressing the barriers to education and schooling of the refugee children must break ground and be sustained.

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Schooling and Education in Lebanon

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