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Scott Joplin Piano Scores - The Entertainer and Other Classics by the "King of Ragtime"

Scott Joplin
pubblicato da Read Books Ltd.

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A fantastic collection of Scott Joplin's classic ragtime compositions. Scott Joplin was an African-American composer and pianist. Joplin achieved fame for his pioneering ragtime compositions and was known as the "King of Ragtime". Classic Ragtime Music Collection constitutes an extensive library of the most well-known and universally-enjoyed works of ragtime music ever composed, reproduced from authoritative editions for the enjoyment of musicians and music students the world over.

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Generi Musica » Cantanti, Compositori e Musicisti » Jazz » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali » Spartiti e Libretti

Editore Read Books Ltd.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/02/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781528784405

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Scott Joplin Piano Scores - The Entertainer and Other Classics by the

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