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A Season of Flowers (Tilbury House Nature Book)

Michael Garland
pubblicato da Tilbury House Publishers

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Michael Garland (Daddy Played the Blues) displays his impressive illustration range with the stylized, country-quilt, digital collage illustrations of A Season of Flowers.

Snowdrops and crocuses yield to tulips and hyacinths, then dogwood blossoms, iris, lupine, daisies, morning glories, daylilies, geraniums, peonies, sunflowers, roses, and chrysanthemums as spring passes to summer, then autumn. At last the garden slumbers into winter under a blanket of snow, preparing next year's procession of blooms. Like actors crossing a stage, flowers narrate the passing seasons in the first person, each one briefly proclaiming its unique and vital role in the natural world. Backmatter descriptions complete this child's introduction to a garden year, in which the passage of time is vividly realized.
Fountas & Pinnell Level L

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Scienze, spazio e natura » Apprendimento » Tempo e stagioni

Editore Tilbury House Publishers

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/01/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780884486251

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A Season of Flowers (Tilbury House Nature Book)

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