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A Secret, Book, and Scone Society Bundle, Books 1-3 - Ellery Adams
A Secret, Book, and Scone Society Bundle, Books 1-3 - Ellery Adams

Audiolibro A Secret, Book, and Scone Society Bundle, Books 1-3

Ellery Adams
pubblicato da Dreamscape Media

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This bundle includes the first three books in the Secret, Book, and Scone Society series. In the first book of the series, The Secret, Book, and Scone Society, Nora Pennington forms the Secret, Book, and Scone Society. As they untangle a web of corruption, they discover their own courage, purpose, and a sisterhood that will carry them through every challengeproving it's never too late to turn the page and start over. In the second book, The Whispered Word, Nora believes that a well-chosen novel can bring healing and hope. When a customer is found dead in an assumed suicide, she uncovers a shocking connection. But after a second death hits town, Nora and her intrepid friends must help the new greenhorn sheriff discern fact from fiction. In the third book, The Book of Candlelight, Nora buys a bowl from Danny, a Cherokee potter. The next day, Danny's body is found. Nora decides it's time for the Secret, Book, and Scone Society to spring into action. A crucial clue may lie within the stone walls of the Inn of Mist and Roses.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller

Editore Dreamscape Media

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:39.50

Pubblicato 28/07/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781666613575

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A Secret, Book, and Scone Society Bundle, Books 1-3

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