Attentive readers will find superabundance of signs or credentials testifying the mission of every one who comprehends this book and acts with us for the accomplishment of the great promise, if they peruse the whole book as often as necessary for a full understanding of each event mentioned herein in connexion with the whole. From this connection of events it is evident, that in collisions in to which we have come with our opposers during the performance of the duties of our mission, we were under the direction of those invisible guardians who are labouring to introduce the promised new era of Truth and Righteousness, while our opposers were endeavouring to support the existing systems of delusion and iniquity, and that spirits of all spheres, heavenly angels as well as infernal demons, give testimony to our mission, spirits of each sphere in such a manner as is most suitable to their sphere. By the developments made in this book the secret enemies of true Republicanism are made manifest, and it is made clear, how every party and sect, notwithstanding their profession of republicanism, are supporting Popery, or, what is the same Monarchy, if they disregard our disclosures concerning the Roman Catholic and the Protestant churches in reference to Christ's Peaceable Reign which will be the universal republic of truth and righteousness, and if they neglect to co-operate with us for its introduction.