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Secrets to Stewarding God's Voice in a New Era

pubblicato da Destiny Image, Inc.

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-20 %

Amplify God's Voice. Steward His Message. Transform Your World.

How do youas a man or woman of Godnavigate the perilous waters of influence? The Lord wants to amplify His voice through a bold remnant, shielding them from the principalities, powers, and demonic spirits that relentlessly seek to tear them down publicly.

Jeremiah Johnson, a bestselling author, global prophetic leader, and seasoned media influencer, knows firsthand the trials and triumphs of wielding influence for the Kingdom. In a pivotal moment of obedience, he chose to dismantle his thriving ministry and significant social media presence in obedience to the Holy Spirit's conviction. This act of faith resulted in unparalleled growth and amplified influence. Yet it also brought intense spiritual warfare and personal attacks.

With striking transparency and refreshing candor, Jeremiah Johnson imparts prophetic strategies that mentor, educate, warn, instruct, and guide you as God's prophetic voice in the public square. Opening his journey as a testament for those called to influence, you'll learn how to:

  • Identify and resist demonic entities that wage war against godly influence.
  • Heed prophetic warnings that protect you from common pitfalls and failures.
  • Reject the allure of "Celebrity Christianity"and stay grounded in Christ.
  • Receive divine protection through healthy community and accountability.
  • Walk in the fear of the Lord, your cornerstone of true influence.
  • Steward God's message effectively in times of obscurity and visibility.

Become the sharp, disciplined, and submitted voice that truly represents Jesus in your generation. Partner with the Holy Spirit, and let your voice carry the weight of heaven's mandate.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Cristianesimo » Vita e pratica cristiana » Vita e pratica cristiana

Editore Destiny Image, Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798881500696

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Secrets to Stewarding God

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