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Sell Like A Woman

Suzi Seddon
pubblicato da Inspired By Publishing

Prezzo online:
-5 %

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, female entrepreneurs are stepping into their power like never before. In "Sell Like a Woman" seasoned sales expert Suzi Seddon seamlessly blends over 30 years of personal experience with astute observations to create a unique guide tailored for female entrepreneurs who are ready to redefine the art of selling and grow their business.

You'll uncover the two fundamental aspects to selling like a woman:

The Magic: You'll learn the essential role mindset plays in the journey to sales triumph and how to embrace your feminine energy strategy, making sales personal without the ick factor.

The Method: You'll uncover the Flow State Selling System, Suzi's comprehensive framework that guides you through the art of selling in flow. You'll master acute listening, intuitive decision-making and the ability to navigate objections with elegance.

In a realm where most salespeople operate with a masculine energy focus, Suzi breaks new ground by demonstrating that women fundamentally sell differently.

With the perfect blend of wisdom, practical advice and empowering narratives, this book is a beacon for those who aspire to sell authentically, confidently, and unapologetically like a woman. You'll be able to exude confidence, banish imposter syndrome and unleash your unique feminine superpowers to "Sell Like a Woman."

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Sell Like A Woman

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