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Serving on the Big Ships

William H. Miller
pubblicato da Fonthill Media

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- Stories and anecdotes from the wheelhouse, the galley, the engine room and everywhere in between

- The product of fifty years of interviews with staff and crewmembers from captains to stewards

- Written by 'Mr Ocean Liner', a renowned authority on everything relating to passenger ships

- Lavishly illustrated with over 200 photographs, most of which are previously unpublished

The 1950s to early 1980s was the last period in which passengers sailed simply to get somewhere, before the liners turned to cruising and airlines became the only feasible means of travelling long distances.

It was a golden age of ocean travel, even though the signs of inevitable decline were in evidence all around. For those who worked on the ships, whether stewards or captains or anyone in between, looking back conjures a range of emotions and stories as diverse as the ports to which they sailed.

Recorded here are memories of sailing on the North Atlantic with Cunard & Holland-America, with the Italian Line in the Mediterranean, with Royal Mail Lines to South America, with Union-Castle to Africa, and with P&O-Orient to Australia and the Far East. These stories are the memories of the people who manned the ships, served on them, and through their service, grew to love them.

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Editore Fonthill Media

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230007939273

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Serving on the Big Ships

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