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In 'Seven Short Plays', Lady Gregory presents a compelling tapestry of themes derived from Irish folklore, rural life, and poignant human interactions. Each play encapsulates her hallmark ability to blend humor with stark social commentary, reflecting the struggles and resilience of the Irish spirit during the early 20th century. Gregory's literary style is characterized by her lyrical dialogue and deep engagement with the Irish vernacular, all while situating her works firmly within the context of the Irish Literary Revival'Äîa movement she significantly contributed to. Lady Gregory, co-founder of the Abbey Theatre and a pivotal figure in the Irish Renaissance, was inspired by her passion for Irish culture and mythology. Her encounters with prominent literary figures like W.B. Yeats and John Synge helped her refine her voice, marked by a desire to elevate the Irish experience on the global stage. Her dedication to women's issues and the preservation of folklore also informs the nuanced narratives within these plays. 'Seven Short Plays' is a must-read for enthusiasts of drama and Irish literature alike. It invites readers to immerse themselves in Gregory's rich portrayals of character and community, making a significant contribution to the understanding of cultural identity and social dynamics in Ireland. This collection is not only a testament to Gregory's literary prowess but also a vital text for those exploring the intersections of gender, culture, and performance in Irish history.

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Generi Cinema e Spettacolo » Teatro » Testi e critica letteraria

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/11/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4057664163677

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Seven Short Plays

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