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Sex Machines - Charles Muller - Peggy Sastre
Sex Machines - Charles Muller - Peggy Sastre

Audiolibro Sex Machines

Charles Muller - Peggy Sastre
pubblicato da Max Milo Editions

Prezzo online:

Is there a desire gene? Can love at first sight be reproduced in the laboratory? Why do celebrities multiply their partners? Can the genes for homosexuality be manipulated? Why does the size of a man's penis matter? What role does the face play in sexual success? Is frigidity hereditary? Can you judge your partner's fidelity by observing his brain? Will implants stimulate our orgasms? In 50 informative and entertaining articles, we bring you up-to-date with the latest scientific discoveries on the behind-the-scenes aspects of love. With facts and figures, many preconceived ideas and taboos are swept away. What if, after all, it was sex that really did rule the world?

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Sex Machines

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