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Shallow Water Bass

Larry Larsen
pubblicato da Derrydale Press

Prezzo online:
-17 %

More than 80% of all fishermen spend a majority of their time searching for bass in shallow waters. Larry Larsen's Shallow Water Bass is a book designed to inform anglers at all skill levels on how to more consistently locate and catch largemouth bass from water depths less than 10 feet Fishermen that base their techniques and analytical considerations on the unique concepts presented within will catch more and bigger bass.
This book provides anglers with a way to "shortcut" years of experience. It offers a new, effective system to quicker understanding and developing patterns. It's an informative fishing experience.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Sport e attività nella natura » Pesca e caccia

Editore Derrydale Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/12/1986

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781461624325

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Shallow Water Bass

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