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After losing Claire to the Twin Soul bond, Uriah intends to seek out the Matwau and let the monster have exactly what he wantsUriah's death.

Only the words of the shaman, who has already betrayed him more than once, stops him.

Her promise that there is still a chance of saving Claire from the bond and keeping her love for Uriah whole sends him on a new hunt to find a shaxoa witch who is rumored to have more power and knowledge than anyone has seen in centuries.

No matter the price, Uriah promises to find the Shaxoa and rescue Claire from a fate she doesn't want.

Claire promises to hold off the cruel desires of the Twin Soul bond until he returns.

Keeping their promises may require more of them than they ever could have imagined.

As Uriah searches for a way to break the bond and Claire's desperation to resist the bond intensifies, both learn truths about themselves that will change everything.

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Editore Delsheree Gladden

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 11/09/2011

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781466122109

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