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Shifting Atmospheres

Dawna DeSilva
pubblicato da Destiny Image

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Push back the darkness!

The atmosphere around you is alive with unseen spiritual activitya battle between forces of darkness and light. You can take dominion over the supernatural environment for the Kingdom of God!

Dawna De Silva presents a strategy for spiritual victory. Get ready to discern the enemy's tactics and learn how to use your weapons of warfare to enforce Jesus' victory over forces that war against your mind, your family, and your region!

Don't be blind to the unseen realityevery Christian is in the midst of a supernatural conflict.

Don't fall victim to the enemy! Every Christian can release God's power into places and situations under the influence of evil.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can transform your spiritual environment from darkness to light. Dawna De Silva shows you how.

Through her revelatory teaching, you will learn to

  • Discern the spiritual atmospheres and forces at work around you
  • Draw from the Holy Spirit's presence within you to release God's Kingdom power
  • Demonstrate the authority of Jesus over the powers of darkness

Join the fight! When God's Kingdom advances, darkness must flee.

*Enhance your learning with the companion e-Course, DVD study and interactive manual.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Cristianesimo » Storia delle religioni

Editore Destiny Image

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/08/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780768415711

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Shifting Atmospheres

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