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Silver Borne

Patricia Briggs
pubblicato da Penguin Publishing Group

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-9 %

Mercy Thompson, car mechanic and shapeshifter, never knows what the dayor nightmay bring. But in the fifth novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, she's about to learn that while some secrets are dangerousthose who seek them are just plain deadly

Mercy is smart enough to realize that when it comes to the magical Fae, the less you know, the better. But you can't always get what you want. When she attempts to return a powerful Fae book she'd previously borrowed in an act of desperation, she finds the bookstore locked up and closed down.

It seems the book contains secret knowledgeand the Fae will do just about anything to keep it out of the wrong hands. And if that doesn't take enough of Mercy's attention, her friend Samuel is struggling with his wolf sideleaving Mercy to cover for him, lest his own father declare Sam's life forfeit.

All in all, Mercy has had better days. And if she isn't careful, she might not have many more to live...

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Narrativa di Avventura , Romanzi e Letterature » Avventura

Editore Penguin Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/03/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781101186114

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Silver Borne

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