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Each brief but powerful chapter can be used as a daily or weekly devotional that will lift your spirit while at the same time cause you to consider the dire consequences of a dirty, sinful life. Included in each chapter:

  • A sincere Prayer that leads to a closer connection with your heavenly Father
  • Points to Ponder, which provoke thoughts to set you free and at peace
  • Scripture passages that the Lord will use to clarify His will for your life

This petite devotional is bite-size for busy people who need a boost of spiritual energy, meant to bring healing and growth and joy!

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Bibbia: testi e commenti » Vita e pratica cristiana » Vita e pratica cristiana » Storia delle religioni

Editore Drawbaugh Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/11/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781941746219

0 recensioni dei lettori  media voto 0  su  5

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Sin Is Like Poop!

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