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Sit, Stay, Heel: Training Your Boyfriend Like a Pro

Clare Chu
pubblicato da Rachelle Ayala

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In a world where relationships can feel as unpredictable as an untrained puppy, Penelope Paws believes that the key to harmony lies in the pages of dog training manuals. Armed with an arsenal of treats, a leash, and an unwavering determination, Penelope sets out to prove that boyfriends and dogs aren't so different after all.

Joined by her canine consultant, Mr. Snufflesa cigar-chomping, top-hat-wearing French Bulldog with a knack for incisive commentaryPenelope embarks on a sidesplitting quest to train her boyfriends using unconventional canine techniques.

From the laid-back graphic designer who's always eager to please to the stubborn sales executive who insists on being the alpha, Penelope's unorthodox methods and boundless optimism are put to the ultimate test.

Will she succeed in teaching her old dogs new tricks, or will she find herself barking up the wrong tree in the pursuit of love and obedience?

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Editore Rachelle Ayala

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 01/04/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798224542161

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Sit, Stay, Heel: Training Your Boyfriend Like a Pro

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