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Slow Cooking: Best New Recipes

Annette Yates
pubblicato da Little, Brown Book Group

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You can cook far more than traditional soups and casseroles in your slow cooker. You can enjoy delicious dishes at any time of the day from lazy breakfasts to cool cakes. Whether you're feeding the family, entertaining friends or planning a small-scale meal for one or two, there's a recipe to suit the occasion in this revised edition of Annette Yates and Norma Miller's bestseller, originally entitled Fresh Ideas for Your Slow Cooker.

Here's just a taste of the ingredients: Chocolate and Lime Pancakes; Courgette & Mushroom Frittata; Thai Curry Soup with Pork, Chilli & Lemon Grass; Trout & Fennel Pasta; Oriental Chicken with Egg Noodles; Tropical Fruit Pudding; Sticky Pineapple & Cinnamon Cake.

Includes a quick-check index so you can select meals for the time you have available.

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Generi Gastronomia » Cucina dal mondo » Ricette » Pasta e primi piatti

Editore Little, Brown Book Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/12/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472141972

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Slow Cooking: Best New Recipes

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