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Smarter Short-Term Rentals

Avery Carl
pubblicato da BiggerPockets Publishing

Prezzo online:
-5 %

Cash in on exploding short-term rental market with this must-have guide from Airbnb expert Avery carl

In a market of rising interest rates, real estate investors need strategies that maximize returns. That's where short-term rentals shine, delivering 2-3X the cash flow of traditional rentalsbut with Airbnb's meteoric growth comes fierce competition. You need a proven framework to stand out and succeed.

That's exactly what you'll find in Smarter Short-Term Rentals. Drawing on her experience connecting investors with over 5,000 successful vacation rentals, Avery Carl reveals:

  • How to pinpoint the best STR markets, using custom data metrics to gain an edge on the competition
  • Off-market deal-finding strategies to acquire properties before they hit the MLS
  • Design and decor secrets that attract high-paying guests and boost occupancy
  • Hospitality tactics to provide a 5-star service and wow your customers
  • Streamlined systems to efficiently operate multiple units
  • Advanced techniques to scale your portfolio and optimize financial returns

With demand for short-term rentals at an all-time high, now is the time to capitalize on this wealth-building strategyand with Avery's hard-won knowledge, you have everything you need to build a thriving, profitable STR business. Follow in the footsteps of her thousands of successful clients and grab your competitive edge today!

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Smarter Short-Term Rentals

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