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Snakes The Ultimate Snake Book for Kids

Jenny Kellett
pubblicato da Bellanova Books

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The Ultimate Snake Book for Kids

Step into the slithery world of snakes with The Ultimate Snakes Book for Kids, designed for curious kids aged 8-12 years. This book brings the exciting and somewhat mysterious world of snakes right to your fingertips!

Inside, you'll discover:

  1. Over 100 awesome facts that reveal the secretive lives of snakes.
  2. A colorful guide to different snake species.
  3. Interactive quizzes and word search puzzles make learning fun.

Ever wonder why snakes stick out their tongues or how they move so silently? Or maybe why some snakes rattle? From their amazing ability to shed their skin to their fascinating hunting tactics, this book covers it all with vibrant photos and captivating information.

Perfect for young enthusiasts and budding herpetologists alike, this book ensures a fun-filled learning experience that will deepen their understanding and respect for these remarkable reptiles. Let the adventure begin here!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Scienza, spazio e natura » Animali selvaggi » Educativi » Scienze, spazio e natura

Editore Bellanova Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/08/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798330362592

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Snakes The Ultimate Snake Book for Kids

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