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Soft Tissue Therapy for the Lower Limb

Jane Johnson
pubblicato da Human Kinetics

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Soft Tissue Therapy for the Lower Limb is a visual guide to understanding and applying massage, stretching, soft tissue release (STR) and trigger point release techniques for common lower limb conditions.

Author Jane Johnson is a physiotherapist. In this, her latest book, she breaks down the most appropriate soft tissue techniques and strengthening exercises for 31 musculoskeletal conditions affecting the hip, buttock, thigh, knee, leg, ankle and foot. Step-by-step instructions and full-color photos demonstrate techniques, while tips highlight effective practices and common errors.

Along with information about appropriate treatments for each lower limb condition, this book shows how to assess lower limb posture, demonstrate simple and safe strengthening exercises that patients can perform with minimal equipment and without supervision, and measure the effectiveness of your treatment.

Soft Tissue Therapy for the Lower Limb is a clear and accessible guide to a variety of soft tissue techniques and lower limb conditions. With detailed instruction and visual demonstration, this text will empower you to restore movement, strengthen muscles and minimize pain in your patients.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Medicina

Editore Human Kinetics

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781718215603

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Soft Tissue Therapy for the Lower Limb

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