Soul Songsplaces the poet and the reader very much in the moment at this particular point in history. But Beville understands that the present, and therefore any potential future, is shaped by what went on before, and for this reason memory plays a major part in how the poet addresses the current state of affairs, both private and public.
Whether the mood is contemplative, yearning, hopeful, or humorous the poet fixes a clear eye on his subject and brings a finely honed measure to his craft. He is at home in the natural world as much as in the world of politics and social affairs. He has a keen eye for image and his ear is attuned to the rhythms of language.
These poems are lyric poetry in the true sense of the word, heartfelt emotional outpourings of the poet's soul. I encourage all poetry lovers to take some time to savour his Soul Songs.
Brian Kirk
A prominent subject in Soul Songs is love, which Kieran Beville treats in various ways. Not all of the poems deal with love, however, and there is a touch of both the exotic and the humorous. Beville is the author of varied books of nonfiction, a novel, and another book of poetry (Fool's Gold). Soul Songs will be a fine addition to his reputation.